A1S Event

Day-to-day service provision causes mobile network operators to accumulate a large body of data on consumer behaviour of the subscribers. Analysing this data allows for personalised offers, custom-made for each individual subscriber. The effectiveness of such offers depends on whether the communication is well-timed and the tools well-chosen.

A1S Event is a solution for managing personal marketing communications utilising the data on consumer behaviour. Promotion of services and tariff plan add-ons are offered precisely when the subscriber is most  interested in it. The tool of communication is an interactive message mediated by A1 Systems’ own A1S NaviSIM applet.

A1S Event constantly analyses the data on every subscriber in real time. The solution can be pre-set to detect specified events. As soon as the solution has detected a specified event, it sends an interactive message to the subscriber. The content of the message is determined by the context of the event. In one or two clicks, the subscriber is able to accept the offer, receive additional information or decide between several tariff plan options.

The solution is capable of analysing subscriber behaviour and detecting relevant events on its own. It can also receive the necessary information on event occurrences from any other systems used by the Mobile Network Operator.

A1S Event enables the MNO to effectively promote its own, as well as partner services and manage customer life cycle, achieving reduced churn.

Examples of events and the corresponding contextual offers

Event Offer
Mobile data quota is over before the end of a billing period. Offer an additional quota.
A certain number of phone calls to some destination for a specified period of time has been reached. Offer a tariff plan option for that type of calls to the subscriber.
The subscriber has run out of phone credit. Right after the failed phone call, display a dialogue box advertising services to enable further phone calls.
A subscription is likely to be cancelled soon. Make a particularly attractive offer on all or select communication services to retain the subscriber


A1S Event uses the A1S NaviSIM applet for interacting with the user. The solution also can work with another DSTK through the aproproate service platforms of their vendors.

The server side of the solution is based on the A1S MCS platform. Advertising campaigns are managed through a user-friendly, intuitive Web graphical user interface to enable the user:

  • set up contextual events,
  • assign different messages to different subscriber segments in connection with the same event,
  • track and manage advertising campaigns in real time.

Benefits for the Mobile Operator

  • Subscribers are highly motivated thanks to well-timed communication
  • Churn rate is reduced and customer life cycle is extended thanks to personalised communication services offer made at the right time
  • Increased revenue from core and value-added services due to interactive advertisements having a high conversion rate
  • Improved client experience and increased subscriber loyalty due to easier activation of advertised services
  • Launching new services with reduced time to market (TTM)
  • Reduced costs of advertising campaign development and analysis thanks to an intuitive, user-friendly Web GUI
  • Reduced technical support and administering costs due to using A1S MCS as a single platform
  • Simple and rapid integration with the MNO network
  • Free OTA campaign to install A1S NaviSIM applet on subscribers’ SIM cards


  • Analysing consumer behaviour of subscribers in real time
  • Defining and managing contextual events
  • Communication possible via an interactive message, as well as by means of activating a predefined dialogue box, associated with a specified local phone event (i.e. trigger)
  • Displaying messages:
    • as a dialogue box with a one-click buy option,
    • as a succession of dialogue boxes,
    • as an interactive menu with several options;
  • Automatic execution of scripts tied to interactive elements in a dialogue box or a menu, i.e. sending a text message with a specified text to a specified number, making a voice call to a specified number, issuing a specified USSD command or launching an Internet browser and loading a specified web page;
  • Storing up to 10 advertising dialogue boxes on the SIM card to rotate;
  • Monitoring local events (i.e. triggers) on a mobile phone; in particular, detecting when a subscriber switches off their phone, ends a phone call, sends a text message or quits a web browser;
  • Counting local events and displaying the ads after  a specified number of occurrences has been reached;
  • Counting the number of advertising exposures and preventing the ad from being displayed after a certain number of exposures has been reached;
  • Monitoring subscriber response and preventing the ad from being displayed in the case of positive response;
  • Collecting statistical data and transmitting it to the A1S Event server in real time;
  • A user-friendly Web GUI for advertising campaigns management and administration
  • An organiser that enables campaign sorting and filtering based on specified criteria
  • Intuitive tools to create dialogues from pre-set templates
  • A campaign manager that enables the quick launching of advertising campaigns from templates using drag & drop options
  • Real time tracking of campaign efficiency
  • Managing mailing lists and contact policies
  • Automatically generated reports on the results of advertising campaigns
  • A Web graphical user interface for call centre specialists

The A1S Event solution has been designed to conform to key industry standards, such as ETSI, 3GPP and GlobalPlatform. It is a reliable, tested, high-performance, carrier-grade solution.

The solution can be installed at the Mobile Operator’s side or hosted by A1 Systems.

For more details or to order a demonstration of the solution please contact us via email (info@a1‑systems.com) or use the form to the right.

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